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     Theresa Haywood of Rutland, a nurse practitioner, shares her reasons for removing  fluoride  from the Rutland City water supply. A vote to change the Rutland City Charter to prohibit the addition of fluoride to the water supply will take place March 5, 2024. A "Yes" vote is encouraged.

Fluoridation Lawyer Updates Trial Progress


The link below is to a 36-minute video in which journalist Derrick Broze interviews lawyer Michael Connett, lead attorney in a federal court lawsuit seeking to end fluoridation.

The trial in U.S. District Court in San Francisco is ending today (2/20), with a ruling anticipated in the coming weeks. The video provides a summary and update on this important trial, with its emphasis on fluoride neurotoxicity.

The video also brilliantly summarizes the history of fluoridation, going back to the 1930s and '40s, and how private interests propelled fluoridation forward despite its shaky scientific foundation.

Even if you can't watch the whole thing, any time spent watching will be enlightening, I promise.



     Peg Flory, a former state senator and Rutland resident, discusses her reasons for opposing fluoridation of the RutlandCity  water supply.

Professional Perspectives on Water Fluoridation

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